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【摘要】  目的 揭示子宫颈液基细胞学(lbc)诊断女性生殖系统腺癌的准确性。方法 选取中国医学科学院肿瘤医院2001~2005年组织学诊断的女性生殖系统腺癌与其lbc诊断对照,同时选取同期宫颈lbc诊断的腺癌细胞(adcac)、可疑腺癌细胞(susadcac)和非典型腺细胞(agc)与其组织学诊断对照,以lbc诊断的susadcac为切入点,以组织学诊断为金标准,统计学分析数据。结果 共259例纳入分析。子宫颈lbc诊断女性生殖系统腺癌的敏感性为42.6%,特异性为91.5%,阳性预测值和阴性预测值分别为93.0%和37.6%;对子宫颈腺癌、子宫内膜腺癌和卵巢输卵管腺癌的敏感性分别为65.6%、38.9%和36.1%,前者显著高于后两者(p=0.016)。子宫颈lbc诊断生殖系统腺癌的敏感性与其临床病理分期相关(p=0.001),随临床病理分期的增加诊断敏感性也有增加的趋势。结论 子宫颈lbc诊断有助于提高对女性生殖系统腺癌诊断的敏感性,但有一定局限性。

  【关键词】  子宫颈液基细胞学;女性生殖系统;腺癌

  analysis of diagnostic accuracy for adenocarcinoma of  female genital system by cervical liquidbased cytology

  zhao huan, wang naipeng, zhao linlin, cao jian, pan qinjing

  department of pathology, cancer institute and hospital, chinese academy of medical sciences & peking union medical college, beijing 100021, china

  corresponding author:pan qinjing, email: [email protected]:objective   to explore the diagnostic accuracy for adenocarcinoma of female genital system by cervical liquidbased cytology(lbc).methods  the cases with adenocarcinoma of female genital system were selected to find their cervical lbc diagnoses, meanwhile, the cases with the diagnoses of adenocarcinoma cells (adcac),suspicious adenocarcinoma cells(susadcac)and atypical glandular cells (agc) by cervical lbc were selected to find their histological diagnoses. these cases were all from cancer hospital chinese academy of medical sciences during 2001 to 2005. the diagnoses of histology were taken as golden standard and susadcac was taken as a cut point of lbc diagnoses to analyze the accuracy of lbc diagnoses. the data were analyzed by spss 13.0 software.results  a total of 259 cases was selected. the sensitivity and specificity of cervical lbc diagnoses for adenocarcinoma of the female genital system were 42.6% and 91.5%, respectively; the positive prognostic value and negative prognostic value were 93.0% and 37.6%, respectively. the sensitivities of cervical lbc diagnoses for endocervical adenocarcinoma, endometrial adenocarcinoma and ovarian /fallopian tubal adenocarcinoma were 65.6%, 38.9% and 36.1%, respectively. the sensitivity for endocervical adenocarcinoma was higher than that for endometrial adenocarcinoma  and fallopian tubal adenocarcinoma significantly (p=0.02). the diagnostic sensitivity of cervical lbc had a trend of increase as the increase of clinicopathological stages(p=0.001).conclusion  cervical lbc is helpful for increasing the diagnostic sensitivity of  female genital system adenocarcinoma, but it has certain limitations.

  key words:cervical lbc;female genital system;adenocarcinoma

  子宫颈液基细胞学(liquidbased cytology,lbc)开展已10余年,已有大量文献报道lbc对子宫颈鳞状细胞癌筛查的准确性,但对其筛查腺癌准确性的报道甚少。wWW.11665.COM本研究采用回顾性研究,以组织病理学诊断为标准,揭示子宫颈lbc对女性生殖系统腺癌诊断的准确性。

  1  材料与方法

  1.1  材料

  选取中国医学科学院肿瘤医院2001~2005年经活检和(或)手术切除组织学诊断的女性生殖系统腺癌与其lbc诊断结果对照并选取同期子宫颈lbc诊断的腺细胞不正常病例与其组织学诊断结果对照。所选病例的lbc涂片均采用thinprep2000(cytyc corp. usa)制做。

  1.2  lbc诊断

  lbc诊断标准采用子宫颈细胞学tbs诊断系统[1],但对腺细胞不正常的诊断分级除非典型腺细胞(atypia of glandular cells, agc)和腺癌细胞(adenocarcinoma cells,adcac)外加入可疑腺癌细胞(suspicious adenocarcinoma cells,susadcac)。susadcac是指细胞具有腺细胞和癌细胞的特征,但在数量或质量上又不足以诊断为adcac。

  1.3  统计学方法


  2  结果

  2.1  病例类型及年龄分布


  2.2  lbc诊断准确性

  2.2.1  lbc诊断与组织学诊断的对照

  在组织学诊断的188例腺癌中,lbc诊断60例为adcac, 20例为susadcac, 32例为agc,7例为鳞状细胞不正常,4例为非典型鳞状细胞意义不明确(ascus),1例非典型鳞状细胞不除外鳞状上皮内高度病变(asch)、2例为鳞状上皮内低度病变(lsil)和69例未见上皮内病变细胞或恶性细胞(nilm)。 lbc诊断adcac、susadcac和agc共183例,其中组织学诊断92例腺癌、4例鳞癌、19例鳞状上皮内病变和48例良性病变。子宫颈lbc诊断与组织学诊断对照,见表1。表1  子宫颈lbc诊断与组织学诊断对照

  2.2.2  子宫颈lbc诊断女性生殖系统腺癌的准确性

  以子宫颈lbc诊断的susadcac为切入点,lbc诊断女性生殖系统腺癌的敏感性为42.6%(80/188),特异性为91.5%(65/71),阳性预测值和阴性预测值分别为93.0%(80/86)和37.6%(65/173)。 对子宫颈腺癌、子宫内膜腺癌和卵巢输卵管腺癌诊断的敏感性分别为65.6%(21/32)、38.9%(37/95)和36.1%(22/61),其中对子宫颈腺癌的诊断敏感性最高(χ2=8.31,p=0.02)。

  2.3  细胞学诊断结果与临床病理分期的关系

  116例腺癌有临床病理分期资料,子宫颈lbc对女性生殖系统腺癌的检出率随临床病理分期的增加有增加趋势,见表2。表2  细胞学诊断与女性生殖系统腺癌的

  3  讨论


  子宫颈lbc诊断子宫内膜腺癌和卵巢输卵管腺癌是间接取材,要依赖于腺癌细胞脱落到宫颈口。有报道阴道后穹窿是发现子宫内膜细胞的主要部位,比常规宫颈涂片多发现1/3的隐性子宫内膜癌[2]。因此,对疑有宫内膜病变者除常规宫颈取材外应增加对阴道后穹窿取材。高分化的子宫内膜腺癌细胞很难与正常或增生的子宫内膜细胞区别。在子宫颈细胞学诊断tbs系统要求对在宫内膜癌高发年龄组(40岁以上)妇女的宫颈涂片中见到的子宫内膜细胞都要报告。脱落的子宫内膜细胞、卵巢和输卵管细胞常发生退变,影响细胞学诊断。lbc制片对标本采用湿固定,减少了细胞退变,增加了细胞结构的清晰度。已有研究证实thinprep lbc方法筛查子宫内膜腺癌的检出率(0.05%)较常规巴氏涂片的检出率(0.01%)高[4],所以,lbc在一定程度上增加了诊断敏感性。

  本研究显示宫颈lbc对女性生殖系统腺癌的检出率与其临床病理分期相关,随着临床病理分期增高,检出率有增高的趋势。因此,文献报道的宫颈细胞学对女性生殖系统腺癌诊断的敏感性也会因其所报道的病例组成不同而不同[ 57]。

[1] solomon d, davey d, kurman r, et al.the 2001 bethesda system: terminology for reporting results of cervical cytology [j].jama, 2002, 287(16): 21142119.

[2] stephen s. invasive glandular malignancies of the gynecologic tract[a].kim r,micheal w.modern cytopathology[m].philadelphia:churchill livingstone, 2003.167190.

[3] howlett ri, marrett ld, innes mk,et al. decreasing incidence of cervical adenocarcinoma in ontario: is this related to improved endocervical pap test sampling?[j].int j cancer,2007, 120(2):362367.

[4] guidos bj, selvaggi sm.detection of endometrial adenocarcinoma with the thinprep pap test [j].diagn cytopathol, 2000, 23(4):260265.

[5] geldenhuys l, murray ml.sensitivity and specificity of the pap smear for glandular lesions of the cervix and endometrium [j].acta cytol, 2007, 51(1): 4750.

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