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  remember the titans (2000) 光辉岁月(2000年)
  one word: teamwork. new head coach herman boone (denzel washington) leads a racially[就种族而言] diverse[多种多样的] football team to victory, teaching his black and white students to work past their differences along the way. the film may not motivate[激发] any book learning, but it does promote[促进] equality[平等] and acceptance[接受]—two ideals that are important both in and out of the classroom.
    mr. holland’s opus (1995) 生命因你动听(1995年)
  glenn holland (richard dreyfuss) is already feeling pretty burnt out[心力交瘁的] when he accepts a job as a high school music teacher in order to spend more time with his wife (glenne headly). but he faces even more disappointment when he starts his new position, as his school doesn’t value the fine arts[艺术]. the teacher becomes even more troubled when his son is born deaf, thereby making him unable to share the thing he loves most—music—with his boy. mr. holland’s opus is a film that explores how even teachers have learning to do. as it turns out, holland has been making a difference—as he learns in the film’s dramatic final orchestral[管弦乐的] moment. [论文网]
    freedom writers (2007) 街头日记(2007年)
  young, idealistic[理想主义的] english teacher erin gruwell(hilary swank) teaches the“unteachable” at a long beach high school, showing them the benefits of tolerance[容忍] and expressing their feelings via[经由] journal. young viewers may be inspired to learn about the holocaust注1 and kee

p their own journals as a result—even if their lives aren’t as dramatic[戏剧性的] as those of gruwell’s at-risk[处于危险中的] students.
    the miracle worker (1962) 奇迹创造者(1962年)
  this oscar-winning film isn’t just a biopic[名人传记片] about helen keller (patty duke) and annie sullivan(anne bancroft)—it’s a celebration[赞美] of learning itself, showing how a determined teacher can enlighten[启蒙] even the most disadvantaged pupil. it also promotes knowledge about history, the blind/deaf community, and how best to defeat[战胜] a seven-year-old who refuses to eat with a fork.

    high school musical (2006) 歌舞青春(2006年)
  the entire gang sing “we’re all in this together” in the endi

ng number[指歌曲]. this message is great for back-to-school fears. against the backdrop[背景] of the school’s musical, new girl gabrielle (vanessa hudgens) and popular jock[(大学)运动员] troy(zac efron) learn how to stay true to themselves and go after their dreams, no matter what others say. the tv-movie hit is the first of three films, and the best of the bunch[一群]. the pop songs are topnotch[拔尖的], and the story is easy to have fun with.
    october sky (1999) 十月的天空(1999年)
  this is a film that teaches us it only takes one person to inspire us to follow our dreams. in a 1950s coal-mining town, homer hickam(jake gyllenhaal) sees a whole different future for himself when sputnik注2 goes into orbit. his family and other townspeople may disapprove[不赞成], but thanks to one encouraging science teacher(laura dern), hickam and his friends try to build a rocket that can open the door to college and beyond.
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