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electronic business in china
what’s electronic business

what’s electronic business? this is a simple but also complicated question, as its united definition hasn’t been formed to date. it has two english expressions, they are respectively e-commerce and e-business, and so what’s the relationship between them?
one saying is that electronic business is to make business information exchange by using electronic table. it includes electronic data exchange (edi). e-mail. electronic broadcast boards. electronic funds transfer est. which replaces the traditional paper work process by using faster, efficient and reliable communication of computers. it requires enterprises are capable of using computer and modem when applying electronic business technology to current environment.
the other saying is that electronic business means making goods and service deals on internet, especially on web net. it contains those things such as the organized fictitious shops or stores in web site. the statistics data gathering and using data through web, the electronic data exchange between enterprises the utilized medium like e-mail and fax for establishing client relationship and the trade and its security between enterprises.
these two versions of saying are normally described as e-commerce.
there is also another view supported by ibm, which thinks electronic business is to manage business in internet, to offer client services and to cooperate with the trade companions besides trading. this kind of electronic business is often expressed as e-business; we’d like to say the concept of it has covered that of e-commerce.

what’s electronic business
chapter one electronic business introduction
section one what does electronic business bring
section two what does electronic business development need
section three electronic business’s four large modes
chapter 2 the mistaken thinking of enterprises’ popularizing electronic business
chapter three the countermeasure for china to develop electronic business
section one the problems that lie in china’s developing electronic business
section two the advices on the countermeasures of china’s developing electronic business
chapter four the relationship with the development of the traditional corporation with the electronic business
take the electronic business development way of chinese character

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