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The Application of Task—Based Language Teaching in Junior English Classes

abstract: task-based language teaching (tblt) is a new teaching method.  "task" is a special term in language teaching and it's different from language exercise. it has its specific features, forms and teaching steps. there are varieties of tasks in english teaching, but the focus of every task is on solving a communicative problem,  which has some connections with a real world of learners' lives and learning experience, and which can arouse learners' interest and participation. the development of process of tblt represents a change of focus a revolution in syllabus design. it starts from the learners' needs and emphasizes learning language by doing things. the basic principles for task-based syllabus design are authenticity, form-function integration and task dependency. the aim of this paper is to introduce tblt and it also seeks to carry out the method of tblt in junior english classes.

key words: task; task-bused; syllabus; design; task-based; class

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