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Shine Your Way——使生如夏花之绚烂


adam young是一个有趣的音乐人,他组建的owl city乐队实际上只有他一个人,像乐队的编曲、演唱以及后期的混音合成工作都由他独立完成。adam young的音乐作品别具特色,充满了天马行空的想象和童心未泯的情怀,这样的音乐特质使得他在创作动画片主题曲时格外得心应手。继此前为动画片《猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇》(legend of the guardians: the owls of ga'hoole)和《无敌破坏王》(wreck-it ralph)献唱之后,他与来自马来西亚、颇具音乐天分的独立唱作女歌手yuna合作,演唱了动画片《疯狂原始人》(the croods)的主题曲“shine your way”。
   这首歌清新励志,欢快跳动的音符仿佛在为每一个努力生活的人加油打气:温暖的阳光会照耀前方的路途,也会让脸上的泪水干得更快;广阔无垠的世界里总有属于我们的天地,没有什么能够阻挡我们发光发亮。诗人泰戈尔在《飞鸟集》(stray birds)中曾写道:“let life be beautiful like summer flowers ...”每个人都应生如一朵夏花,向阳绚烂而生,努力汲取养分和力量,争取在短暂有限的花期里以自己独特的姿态尽情绽放。唯有这样,才不负青春的美好年华。
   just before the dawn
  when the light's still gone
  shine, shine your way
  and you may not know where to go
  shine, shine your way
  open road but it's still dark
  build a fire from a spark
  and shine, shine your way
  feed the feeling in your heart
  don't conceal it then you'll start
  to find, find your way
  no one can stop what has begun
  you must believe when i say
  ▲all of your tears will dry faster in the sun
  starting today
  shine, shine, shine
  shine your way▲
  there's an open sky
  and a reason why
  you shine, shine your way
  there's so much to learn
  and now it's your turn
  to shine, shine your way
  there's a feeling deep inside
  you can let it be your guide
  to find, find your way
  and there's no time for us to waste
  got to take a leap of faith
  and fly, fly away
  don't have to walk
  now you can run
  nothing can get in your way
  refrain ▲
  morning is breaking
  darkness is fading
  we found a way to the light
  it's such a beautiful sight
  anytime, anywhere
  turn around and i'll be there
  to shine, shine your way
  like a star burning bright
  lighting up the darkest night
  i'll shine, shine your way
  now i can see
  you are the one
  sent here to show me the way
  all of our tears will dry faster in the sun  [论文网]
  starting today
  shine, shine, shine
  we're on our way
  shine, shine, shine
  that's what we say
  shine, shine, shine
  shine your way
  there's a reason why
  you shine, shine your way
  all of our tears will dry faster in the sun
  shine your way
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