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        (f0002)message from the managing editor 无
        (f0003)luo ling & cao hong: regional economic effect of high-speed
        railway 无
        (310)optimization and competition promotion of industrial structure in
        blue shandong peninsula economic zone li guang-jie yan pei-xia
        (318)human settlement's social network analysis based on spatial trend
        surface model:a case study of chongqing municipality zhao wan-min wang
        yang guo jian-feng
        (324)an analysis of environmental risks in sichuan province to relocate
        the textile industry from east china yang yi
        (329)the role of cultural and creative industries in optimizing
        industrial structure under low-carbon emission constraint wang fei-fei
        (334)research on low-carbon development of electric power industry:from
        the perspectives of public policy ran jing-liang zeng shao-lun
        (342)construction of legal system of carbon emissions trading in china
        zhang lu
        (349)ecosystem services value of wetland in suzhou taihu lake gu li-xia
        wu chang-nian pu hui-min nan nan wu jin-lian guo rong
        (356)sustainable livelihoods in a coptis-planting based rural
        community:a case study in shizhu county,china qin yi-ke
        (368)research on industrialization of eco-agriculture:theoretical
        framework and the case of yunnan,chinav fu wei zhao jun-quan zhou
        yong-gang wang chao
        (376)sharing and evaluation of a new community co-management model for
        protecting crested ibis:a case study of crested ibis national nature
        reserve,china wang chang-hai wen ya-li liu xiao-hai kang kai-li li bing
        (387)study on the relationship between toona sinensis roem stand
        productivity and site conditions in sichuan basin pu ya-yun cao xia
        (395)optimizing forestry industrial structure based on the framework of
        rationalization,advancement and ecologicalization xing mei-hua huang
        guang-ti zhang jun-biao tan shi-ming
        (407)a study on the bioenergy crop production function of land use in

p;  china zhang kun yu yao bao chun-hong wang tao
        (415)sustainable development of resource-based industrial clusters in
        yunnan,china fu wei zhao jun-quan fan xiao-e zhang dan-feng
        (422)rebuilding water rights system from the perspective of usufruct
        wang lei
        (429)measuring regional ecotourism competitiveness of shandong province
        based on factor analysis cheng zhen-yu
        (439)a study on tourism development model with dynamic mechanism of
        circular economy wu li-yun dong suo-cheng chen fang-ying
        (447)distribution characteristics of china's key cultural relic tourism
        resources and suggestions to its development and protection yu
        zhong-yuan li bo bi hua
        (457)valuation and analysis on the tourism resources in hami region
        based on gis mapping technology feng xian-hua ju chun-yan
        (463)contents of ecological economy, vol. 6, 2010 无

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