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April Fools Day and April Fish愚人节与四月鱼


  april fools’ day, sometimes referred to as (被称为) all fools’ day, is celebrated on april 1st every year. april 1st is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated in many countries. april 1st has long been a day when people play practical jokes, gags (玩笑) and pranks (恶作剧) on each other.
   the origin of april fools’ day is uncertain. some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from (起源于) the adoption (采用) of a new calendar. in fact, many people think april fools’ day originated (起源于) in france. the theory about the origin of april fools’ day involves (涉及) the french calendar reform (改革) in the sixteenth century. this is the most widely accepted explanation.论文网]
   ancient cultures celebrated new year’s day on or around april 1st. it closely follows the vernal equinox (春分) (march 20th or march 21st). in medieval times (中世纪), many of european countries celebrated march 25th as the beginning of the new year. in some areas of france, new year was a week-long holiday ending on april 1st.
   in 1582, pope (教皇) gregory xiii ordered a new calendar (the gregorian calendar) to replace the old julian calendar (罗马儒略历). the new calendar called for new year’s day to be celebrated on january 1st. that year, france adopted the reformed calendar and shifted new year’s day to january 1.
   this calendar reform caused much confusion, and years passed before the new calendar system completely took hold (占据;扎根). people who failed to note the switch (改变) was branded an april fool, because they were still likely to celebrate the old new year’s day on april 1st. for years, there were a small group of people who still mistakenly celebrated the old new year’s day on april 1st. of course, those who celebrated on january 1st made fun of those who celebrated on other dates. jokes were played on them by sending them on fool’s errands (差事) or tricking them into believing ridiculous things.

  the french call the people who are fooled in april fools’ day the april fish in their local language. to catch the fish in april was very easy since they were so young and naive (天真的;幼稚的). since it was just as easy to catch april fish as it was to prank naive people, fools were called april fish.

sp;  法国人称呼愚人节里受骗的人为四月鱼。小鱼在四月刚刚出生,糊里糊涂容易上钩。由于戏弄那些容易上当受骗的人就像捉住四月的鱼一样容易,那些像容易上当受骗的人就被人们叫做四月鱼。
   the idea of the all fools’ day spread rapidly throughout europe. today’s french children may stick a paper fish to the back of another and tease (戏弄) them. when it is noticed, they cried “the april fish”. polish citizens avoid anything serious on that day and prepare various jokes and pranks. in portugal, people usually throw flour at their friends. in the u.k, australia, new zealand and zimbabwe, pranks and jokes must be done by noon on the april fools’ day, or the prankster (做恶作剧的人) will have bad luck.
   april 1st has been a day when people try to fool and are fooled by others. and do remember: april fools’ practical jokes should be done in good fun and do not mean to harm anyone. the best jokes are the clever ones where everyone laughs, especially the person who had the joke played on them.
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