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  plagiarism isn't just for procrastinating2) students. even famous politicians, writers, artists and educators have been found guilty of plagiarism, whether on purpose or by accident. check out the top 4 plagiarism scandals of all time, involving some of the world's most illustrious3) publications and individuals.
   1. barack obama 巴拉克·奥巴马
  during the presidential campaign in february 2008, barack obama was accused of4) plagiarizing a speech by massachusetts governor deval patrick, given in october 2006. obama's speech, given in wisconsin, included quotations from several other speeches, which he credited to5) martin luther king, jr. and john f. kennedy, as well as a quotation from the declaration of independence. plagiarismtoday.com noted that after comparing deval's speech with obama's, one could see that obama "used many of the same quotes as well as very similar phrasing". obama apologized for not giving credit to deval after the two had worked on his speech together, and deval made a public announcement, calling the whole incident "unfair", and supporting obama's speech, according to boston.com.
   2. the catcher in the rye sequel 《麦田里的守望者》续篇 [论文网]
  one of the most iconic6) books in american literary history, the catcher in the rye, spawned7) a sketchy spin-off8) by an anonymous writer "j. d. california". j. d. salinger sued the author and is fighting to have the book—called coming through the rye—banned in the u.s. it is already being sold in england, and the anonymous author claims his version is just a parody9), while salinger believes it is plagiarism.
   singer michael bolton was involved in a serious plagiarism lawsuit after his 1991 song "love is a wonderful thing" was revealed to have been "stolen" from a 1966 song by the isley brothers, reported ew.com. in 2000 the u.s. ninth circuit court of appeals fined bolton $5.4 million, which yahoo! reports "is the largest damages award ever made as the result of a music plagiarism case".
   respected historian and writer stephen ambrose was the center of a major, highly publicized10) plagiarism scandal in 2002 after his book the wild blue: the men and boys who flew the b-24s over germany was speculated11) to have been plagiarized from a 1995 book called wings of morning: the story of the last american bomber shot down over germany in world war ii, by thomas childers, a history professor from the university of pennsylvania. as fred barnes of the weekly standard notes, very specific standout12) phrases like "glittering like mica13)" appeared in both books, though ambrose never directly quoted or acknowledged childers' book. ambrose was harshly14) criticized, and the scandal was covered in various news stories, especially when mark lewis from forbes.com found five more cases of plagiarism in another ambrose book.
   作为美国文学史上最具标志性的作品之一,《麦田里的守望者》催生了署名“j. d. 加利福尼亚”的一个匿名作家粗制滥造的续篇。j. d. 塞林格将该书作者告上了法庭,现在力求在美国禁售这本名为《穿越麦田》的作品。这本书已经在英国上市,该匿名作者宣称此书只是一部仿作,但塞林格却认为那实属剽窃。

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