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Passage Two
 i was 15 when i walked into mccauley’s bookstore in ashland. as i was looking at 1 on the shelves, the man behind the counter, the shop owner, asked if i’d like a 2 . i needed to start preparing for college, 3 i said yes. i worked after school and during the summer for the lowest wages, and the job helped pay for my freshman year of college. i would also have many other jobs. i 4 coffee in the office of the students’ union during college; i was a hotel maid and 5 made maps for the us forest service. but selling books was one of the most surprising jobs.
   one day a woman asked me for books on cancer. she seemed 6 . i showed her almost everything we had at that time
   7 and found other books we could order. she left the store less 8 . i’ve always remembered the 9 i felt in having helped her.
   years later, as a 10 in los angeles, i heard about an immigrant child who was 11 with his thumb attached, web-like(像蹼一样), to the other fingers. his family could not afford a corrective operation, and the boy lived in 12 , hiding his hand in his pocket.
   i 13 my boss to let me do the story. after my story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, 14 to perform the operation for free.
   i visited the boy in the recovery room soon after the operation. the first thing he did was to hold up his 15 hand and say, “thank you.” i felt a sense of 16 .
   in the past, 17 i was at mccauley’s bookstore, i always 18 i was working for the customers, not the store. today it is the same. nbc news pays my salary, and i 19 as if i work for the viewers, helping them make 20 of the world.
   1. a. maps b. titles c. articles d. reports
  2. a. book b. job c. pen d. helper
  3. a. but b. so c. since d. because [论文网]
  4. a. drank b. carried c. bought d. made
  5. a. so b. yet c. even d. still
  6. a. happy b. fearful c. anxious d. tired
  7. a. in need b. in all c. in order d. in stock
  8. a. worried b. satisfied c. excited d. puzzled
  9. a. pride b. failure c. regret d. surprise
  10. a. boss b. store owner c. bookseller d. tv reporter
  11. a. forced b. born c. made d. operated
  12. a. shame b. honor c. horror d. danger
  13. a. hoped b. promised c. persuaded d. wanted
  14. a. accepting b. considering c. knowing d. offering
  15. a. repaired b. connected c. injured d. improved
  16. a. pleasure b. humour c. interest d. wonder
  17. a. because b. while c. since d. even
  18. a. said b. sensed c. hoped d. wished
  19. a. think b. hope c. feel d. believe
  20. a. sense b. use c. record d. feeling
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